Haftel Estates is excited to bring you this Delray Beach 33446 zip code real estate market report. This quiet slice of Florida paradise is home to approximate 23,600 people with a median annual income of $56,642.

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A Look At Delray Beach Housing Stats

The median estimated home value in the 33446 zip code area is $324,000, up 1.71% over the previous month and up 4% over the last 12 months. Home values have increased 16.65% over a two-year period.

The median list price for homes has increased to $450,000 up 3.43% from the previous month and up 2.95% over the previous year. Increasing 2.48% over a two-year period.

The 33446 Zip Code Housing Stats

The median sales price for homes is currently $256,000, a decrease of 13.22% over the last month and down 24.93% over the last year. However, sales prices are up 4.49% over a two-year period.

The median list price for homes in the 33446 zip code area is $260,000 ending January 2019. Median price is up from the prior month 4.4%, up 10.6% from the previous year.

There are a total of 92 distressed properties, 86 pre-foreclosures, and 6 foreclosures on the market for the month ending February 2019.

Housing Market Trends In The 33446 Zip Code Area

The number of total listings on the market is approximately 1,000. Listing volume has remained steady over the last 12 months.

A total of 602 homes have sold over the last six months. A total of 325 homes were sold in the $200,000 price range or less, and a total of 139 homes in the price range of $500,000 or higher were sold during the same period.

home on top of a map

The majority of homes sold were 1,200 square feet or less, and 123 homes sold were 2,200 square feet or larger.

What Does This Mean For Buyers In The Delray Beach Area

Buyers are seeing prices drop slightly over the last six months while inventory has stayed flat at approximately 1,000 listings available. There is high demand of housing in the $200,000 and less price range and median list prices are slightly higher.

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Buyers should be prepared to act quickly and submit a competitive offer and not miss out on the purchase of a home that matches their needs.

What Does This Mean For Sellers In The Delray Beach Area

Seller home values and list prices are increasing. Sellers that have been thinking of selling should consider listing their home now. Especially sellers that have homes in the under $200,000 price range or the $500,000 and up price range.

couple selling house with a rela esate agent

Sellers should use our free home evaluation tool to get an accurate estimate of their home value.

Call us at Haftel Estates to speak to a listing specialist about getting the best offer for your home.

Delray Beach Homes For Sale

Take a look at the most recent listings added to the BeachesMLS database of homes priced $260,000 and less.

33446 Homes for Sale

Here are the most recent home listings just added to the database in the median sale price range for zip code 33446. All homes here are priced at $256,000 or less.

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