Haftel Estates is happy to present this in-depth look at the Delray Beach and 33446 zip code real estate market for April 2019.

Buyers can take advantage of our home search tool to find properties that match their criteria. Be sure to sign up for alerts to notified as soon as new properties become available.

Sellers considering selling can use our free home estimate tool to get an idea of your home’s worth. Give us a call and we will be happy to answer all the questions you may have about selling your home.

Delray Beach Housing Market Statistics

The median estimated home value is $261,000, up 2.64% from last month. Median estimated home value increased 2.09% from last quarter and has gone up 5.89% over the last 12 months.

Del Ray Estimated Home Values 261K


The median sales price for homes in the Delray Beach real estate market was $273,000, up 13.54% from the previous month, and up 15.71% compared to 4th quarter 2018. Median sale prices are up 6.86% compared to last year.

Del Ray Median 273K


During the last six months, 776 homes under $150,000 have sold, there have been 326 homes priced at $450,000 and higher sold in that same time period.

There have been 770 homes in between $150-450,000 price range sold in the previous six months.

The average square footage of homes sold in Delray Beach is 1,000 to 1,500 square feet, selling for an average of less than $100 per square foot.

Homes sold in Delray Beach are typically two bedrooms and are approximately 30 years of age.

Browse Homes for Sale in Delray Beach

The 33446 Zip Code Housing Statistics

Median sale price for homes in the 33446 zip code for March 2019 was $336,000, an increase of 28.85% from the month of February. The median sale price is up 14.53% from last quarter and up 6.77% compared to this time last year.
Estimated Home Values 33446 336K


The median list price for homes in the 33446 zip code is $270,000, this is lower than the Palm Beach County average of $325,000.

The average list price for homes has increased by 3.8% from last month and is 17% higher than at this time last year.

Over the last six months 300 homes have sold for less than $200,000 and 118 homes have sold for higher than $500,000, a total of 126 homes have been sold in between the price range of $200-500,000.

The average price per square foot of homes sold in the 33446 zip code is $75 and the majority of homes sold has been 1000 square feet or less.

Browse Here for 33446 Homes for Sale

What Does This Mean For Buyers

For buyers looking for homes in the 33446 zip code are can expect to see higher prices going into the spring buying season. Buyers who are in the market for a home should have their financing in place and expect to act quickly when finding their perfect home.

buyer searching using a laptop

Haftel Estates has the experience and expertise working with buyers to find their perfect home and submitting the most attractive offer possible. Call us today so we can find your perfect home before someone else does.

Click Here to Learn More About The Home Buying Process

What Does This Mean For Sellers

Sellers can expect to see an increase in home value and higher list prices as demand increases during the spring buying season. Your home may be worth more than you think. Use our free home valuation tool to get an idea of your home’s worth. Then give us a call and we will answer your questions about getting your home listed.

Marketing your home and showing off its best features is a specialty of ours at Haftel Estates. Give us a call today to get your home listed and shown to qualified buyers looking for a home like yours.

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Delray Beach Homes for Sale

Here are the most recent home listings just added to the database in the median sale price range for Del Ray Beach. All homes here are priced at $273,000 or less.

33446 Homes for Sale

Here are the most recent home listings just added to the database in the median sale price range for zip code 33446. All homes here are priced at $336,000 or less.

Delray Beach Real Estate Market Report – April 2019
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Delray Beach Real Estate Market Report – April 2019
The median sale price for homes in Delray Beach is $273,000. The median sale price for homes in the 33446 zip code area is $336,000. Let’s take a look at the Del Ray Beach Real Estate Market Activity for April 2019.
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Haftel Estates
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