Haftel Estates is excited to bring you this in-depth look at the Delray Beach and Boca Raton real estate market for June 2019.
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Delray Beach Housing Market Statistics
Delray Beach Florida is a town with a population of 66,500 people, with a median age of 46. The median income per household in Delray Beach is $53,233 per year, and Delray Beach has only 3.1% unemployment rate.
Median estimated home value $250,000 up .36% over the last 12 months, up 9.83% over the last 24 months, and up 13.84% over the last 36 months. The Palm Beach County median estimated home value is $305,000, the State of Florida median is $254,000 and the National median is $243,000.
The median list price for homes in Delray Beach has increased by 2.87% from the last month to $359,000. The median list price has increased by 7.16% over the last 12 months, and 5.62% over the last 24 months.
In Delray Beach, there are 416 distressed properties, 340 of which are pre-foreclosures, and 76 foreclosures.
The square footage of the majority of homes sold were in the 800 to 1600 square foot range, and 321 homes were sold that were 2,000 square feet and larger. Most homes sold had two bedrooms and averaged 30 years of age.
Boca Raton Housing Statistics
Boca Raton is a town with a population of 14,900 people, with a median age of 46 years. Median household income in Boca Raton is $98,707 per year, and the unemployment rate is less than 2.8%.
The median estimated home value in Boca Raton Florida is $426,000 a decrease of 0.55% from the last month, down 0.19% over the last quarter, and down 0.47% for the last 12 months.
The median list price for homes in Boca Raton Florida is $469,000, an increase of 2.18% compared to last month, a 2.18% increase from the last quarter, and up 7.82% over the last 12 months.
There are currently a total of 58 distressed properties in the Boca Raton real estate market, 53 of those are pre-foreclosures, and 5 are foreclosure properties.
In the past month in Boca Raton, 34 homes priced under $250,000 have been sold, and 22 homes priced $550,000 and higher have been sold. The average age of homes sold has been 30 years.
What Does This Data Mean For Buyers In Delray Beach and Boca Raton?
For buyers, housing prices in Delray Beach have inched higher over the last month, while buyers in Boca Raton can see home prices slightly lower. Listing volume has stayed steady over the last few months, so buyers can expect inventory to remain tight as fewer new properties are being listed.
Buyers should have financing in place and be ready to act as soon as a property is found. At Sokoloff Real Estate we work with you to help you submit the most competitive offer to get you into the home of your dreams.
What Does This Data Mean For Sellers In Delray Beach And Boca Raton?
Sellers can expect to see higher listing prices and home values to increase. There is a demand for housing and strong demand in housing priced under $250,000.
Sellers should have their home show ready and marketed to the most qualified buyers. Give us a call at Sokoloff Real Estate so we can get your home listed.
Delray Beach Homes for Sale
Here are the most recent home listings just added to the database in the median sale price range for Del Ray Beach. All homes here are priced at $279,000 or less.
Boca Raton Homes for Sale
Here are the most recent home listings just added to the database in the median sale price range for Boca Raton. All homes here are priced at $411,000 or less.